Start or Join A Discussion on Member Circle

Member Circle allows you to network virtually and find solutions to your most pressing concerns, anytime, anywhere. It is the best place to ask advice, share your expertise, exchange ideas and most important, connect with peers.

When you join ARN, you automatically become a member of the main discussion group, Open Forum, which is open to all members. Additionally, you can join an online Special Interest Group (SIG) discussion group.

Visit Member Circle

How to Join a SIG Discussion Group

Follow these instructions to join additional ARN discussion groups.

  1. Visit your Profile & Demographics in My Account (requires login).
  2. Under Demographics, find "Special Interest Groups," toward the bottom.
  3. Click the "Edit" tab on the far right of your screen.
  4. Use the drop down box to select a Special Interest Group to join—we recommend joining no more than two.
  5. DO NOT enter a start or end date.
  6. Click "Save" to be added to SIG discussion groups that exist in Member Circle. You will be added to the Member Circle group within 24 hours.
  7. Repeat the above steps for each SIG you wish to join.

Now you can begin networking and sharing information with your peers!

Start a New Discussion Group

If you are interested in creating a new discussion group, please send an email to ARN at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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